Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Discovery Garden Mustard!
Kindergartners were hard at work today making mustard!  Students used dried mustard seeds from the garden along with vinegar, salt, and a few other ingredients to create a mustard that would put Grey Poupon to shame. What a great measurement activity.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fall Harvest Time
 This Friday Terra Centre students harvested all of the Discovery Garden bounty that students planted in June. Items harvested included luffa gourd squash, okra,  beans, tomatoes, cantelope, and African cucumber which were grown in the slave gardens at Monticello. Our cotton crop is still growing and will be harvested in early November. Students also planted our winter crop including winter wheat, chard, brussel sprouts, spinach, garlic, and onions. 4th graders will be canning green tomatoes this week and pre-school will use the luff gourds to make sponges that they will use for painting.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall is almost here!

This summer we have had luck growing our largest pumpkin crop since the start of the Discovery Garden. Ms. Nevin's kindergarteners harvested the first pumpkin this week. They can't wait to use it for math and science experiments in class this month.